Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A tiny visitor

I found some photos today amongst the many hundreds I have stored on my computer. Between myself and two children happy snapping puppies over the past two years the photos sure do add up.

This one was taken on my daughters $99 Kodak digital from KMart. Amazing the angles that kids take photos from sometimes.

Being little they can get down on the floor with the puppies and take them from angles I can never get too. If I try to get down at their eye level they will immediately come running and jump on me for a pat and cuddle.

This one was just a fluke shot also taken with the cheap little childrens camera. Can you see the tiny visitor who came to say hello to Jasper one day?


  1. Puppy pictures : what can be better??!! Your children's cameras can take superb shots!

    I hope the tiny visitor didn't get any closer to Jasper.

  2. Marley and Jasper! Your human sibs took great pictures! Jasper, your pup pic is so adorable. Ahhh we can see that teeny tiny visitor! Hope he said good by to you right away, Jasper!

    We have an award for you.... please come and pick it up!

    Momo & Pinot

  3. Congratulation .....right - your pics are great and this little tiny Jasper looks like a playtool - so sweet - come here - I want to play with you - but sorry - I´m a great Hovi and they call me sometimes: Monsterbacke - that´s like: Adorable dog ;-))
    Wuff and LG

  4. Hello Marley, Jasper and family!

    We forgot to mention about a general rule of an award which is quite simple. :) :) If you accept it, you post it on your blog and mention your friends names (preferably along with their blog address) that you would like to pass on. Most of our friends and we add the award to the side bar but this is totally up to you. ;)

    BTW a pic of a Devonshire Tea looks yum and your anniversary roses are beautiful!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Your friends,
    Momo & Pinot
